Athena Magazine

Fashion, lifestyle, passions

If the shoe doesn’t fit, stretch it! April 21, 2009

My deeply coveted Chanel ballet flats

My deeply coveted Chanel ballet flats

I waited my whole life, or so it seems, to own a pair of Chanel ballet flats. And when I bought them I promptly put them in the closet for six months, petrified to wear them. Well, when I took them out this spring for their debut, I discovered that they were too small in length! Now how did that happen? Since I seem to have a lousy mid-term memory, I cannot for the life of me recall my decision-making process for sure. (That I can’t recall a such a significant shopping experience unnerves me more than anything.) However, I believe it had something to do with the size 39 being too big, so I went, under professional advice, I’m sure, to the smaller 38.5. I wore them for a day and considered amputating my big toe in the name of fashion, before turning to the Internet for solace. Would you believe I’m not the only one?! Here’s a wonderful site with tips on breaking in my exact Chanel flats, aptly named! The advice plus all the comments from fellow sufferers is all the practical fashionista advice you will never find in a glossy fashion mag. I think I know why, but I’ll keep my advertiser-pressure opinions to myself. See it here.