Athena Magazine

Fashion, lifestyle, passions

I heart William Carlos Williams March 23, 2009

wcwilliams135I’m having a poetry fit, remembering all my favorites, like my old crush William Carlos Williams. I found this great poetry site, Poetry Foundation, that has a pretty comprensive bio on Dr. Williams (yes, a real doctor). The more I read on Williams, the more fascinated I become by him and his double life of working M.D./working famous poet in a small New Jersey town. Here is my favorite William Carlos Williams poem.


4 Responses to “I heart William Carlos Williams”

  1. Maggie Says:

    Thank you for the link to the site, and reminding me why poetry …

  2. arnettezhong Says:

    I love WCW, too. On the weekends I make it a practice to memorize one or two of his poems. This weekend it was one entitled, Full Moon, and another one enttiled, River Rhyme II.

    I discovered WCW (or he discovered me) in college at age 19. All these years later I still pick up his poems first thing in the morning.

    Here’s River Rhyme:

    Shine miraculous
    mottled river
    dancing flames
    patched black with
    doom. We shall
    never see what our
    love portends
    never the flower
    in bloom.

  3. rebmas03 Says:


  4. sherilyndw Says:

    I too, love WCW!!! Thanks for the post!!

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